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How to Fix Runtime Error 216 "runtime error 216 at 00409D9A"

Runtime errors often occur when a user has a Windows-based operating system. The problem is often with missing or broken files within the Windows registry, but sometimes a missing application can be the root cause to the appearance of runtime error 216. In other cases, an infection of some type can impact your computer’s performance and generate this error.

What is Runtime Error 216?

Gomez Peer Payment Proof

Regards ...!!
It must have been familiar with the sound of GOMEZ PEER, because gomez is one of the best service provider that will pay you. (increase income through the internet).

Now the program is almost my cap as a SCAM ..
for a long time I reached my first $ 5 .. er pas reach $ 5 was indeed correct my program automaticallymebayar on 15

How to create widgets Translate

 Translate widget for your blog its uses is to be opened in several languages so that your blog can be opened from several countries. How do I create these widgets?? how easy:
  1. Login ke Blogger .
  2. Open layouts>> add widget>> html / java script
  3. Copy the code below:
  4. setelah itu simpan, lihat hasilnya. 

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How to add Favicon to blogger(blogspot) blog

Adding a favicon to the blogger(blogspot) blog:
For those who don't know what Favicon is 'Favicon is a small icon(image) displayed at the beginning of the address bar of the browser.It is also called Favourite Icon,Pageicon and urlicon.

The main advantage of creating and using favicon is ,it makes it easy to find your blog or site when someone favourited or bookmarked your site/blog among several other sites.

How to add adsense ads inside Blogger blog posts or between blog posts

Adding adsense ads inside blog posts is a very good thing to do to increase your CTR.
CTR means"(the number of times your ad clicked) divided by (number of times it is shown).So,the more CTR you have,the more $$ you get.

As we know,there are more chances for the ads to be clicked when they are in the middle(blog posts) rather than at the sidebars(especially the right sidebar),footer,etc.So,

How to Make your Blogger Blog ready for Mobile Phones

As you know, millions of people use their mobile phones to access internet. The mobile internet speed is also very fast these days with 3G's , mobile apps,etc.

From this, we can say many of your readers are coming to your blog through mobile phones..But, if you don't make your blog mobile friendly, .you may lose all your mobile readers because in a mobile phone, a normal blog takes lot of time to load and there are other issues that your site not fitting properly in the mobile screen.

So, here is how to make your Blogger (blogspot) blog mobile internet friendly..

Can pay (dollars) only with Online Computer

Recently I was surprised with an email from PayPal that contains a notice that I receive payment from Gomez PEER. Where Gomez PEER is a site that Pays dollar when our computer online... We just need to install software Gomez PEER to the computer, and if your computer is online then this software will work alone without us doing anything.

For those bloggers who want Can Dollar Online Computers can only follow the following tutorial:
- Register Free: Gomez PEER

- Fill the form with your personal data correctly

- After that login to Gomez PEER and click the "download PEER install"